3 Questions to Ask About Your Breakfast
You’ve probably heard people say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Maybe you’ve taken it to heart, or maybe you’ve rolled your eyes, grabbed a granola bar, and hopped in the car.
I think we get a lot of mixed messages in the health space about breakfast. Should we make a large or small meal? Should we eat it early, or wait until after 9AM? Should we skip it altogether and fast?
While I certainly believe in bioindividuality, and I firmly feel that you know your body best, I also think that there are a few breakfast guidelines that work well for most people. At the very least, they’re worth experimenting with to see how your body responds.
To help you upgrade the first meal of your day, here are three questions you should ask yourself about your breakfast right now:
What macronutrients make up most of my breakfast? If you’re eating mostly carbohydrates in the form of breads, cereals, or fruit, it’s time to upgrade. Not only will these foods set you up for a blood sugar roller coaster all day (fueling hanger, cravings, and undesirable food choices), but they also won’t fill you up and satisfy you for long.
How much protein and fat am I eating at breakfast? If you aren’t eating between 25-30 grams of protein in the morning with some healthy fats on the side, you’re likely hungry for lunch earlier than you should be because you’re not turning off your strongest hunger hormones. Protein is the most satiating macronutrient and including more of it in your first meal of the day will leave you feeling calm and satisfied for hours.
Do I not have time for breakfast, or am I just not making time? I get to work in the morning each day between 6:30 and 7:00AM. I have a forty minute commute. I understand that mornings can be rushed and chaotic. No one knows the cozy lure of just one more minute in bed more than me. BUT, I also know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it sets my blood sugar, mood, and hunger cues up for success all day long. Giving yourself 20 minutes to whip up a quick egg scramble and eating it before hopping in the car or onto meetings is worth it. Giving yourself 7 extra minutes to blend a quick protein smoothie and pouring it into a to-go cup is worth it. Prioritize yourself and your health and I promise you’ll see the benefits!
Let me know how these adjustments work for you! I can’t wait to hear the changes you’re making.