10 Ways to Cheer Up When You’re in a Funk

Health isn’t just about food, exercise, or the number on the scale. Health is a feeling. It’s vibrancy. And we’re actually much more likely to make positive choices for our body when we’re feeling good emotionally. 

But we all get in a funk from time to time, so here are ten ways to refocus and feel better. 

  1. Play a song (or two or three) that makes you feel good. Play it loudly. Dancing encouraged. 

  2. If you go to a doctor or office of any sort and notice that the front desk staff is awesome, mention it! Tell someone! It will feel good.

  3. Compliment a cashier or drive through attendant. Love their nails? Their shirt? The pin on their apron? Tell them! Or just smile. Look up from your phone. Create a nice moment.

  4. Write a letter to a friend snail mail style and fill it with a bunch of tiny cut out hearts or put a fun sticker inside. 

  5. Let someone merge in front of you while driving. It feels so good to be nice. 

  6. Leave a balloon, cup of coffee, or potted plant on a coworker’s desk just because. Or do the same for your work-from-home spouse. It’s fun to make someone smile. 

  7. Walk outside, and walk for a long time. It usually helps bring some clarity to a situation.

  8. Go online and write a 5-star review for a small business that you love. 

  9. Give yourself a tiny win: water your plants, file your nails, or put something away. 

  10. Listen to this motivational talk

Oh, and if you have a feeling that your funk might be related to the sugar blues–AKA too many Christmas cookies–get my free guide on cutting back on sweets. 

Looking for a fun & healthy holiday break project? Give your pantry a makeover




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